New Year, New Website, New Category

10th January 2022

Along with our new look and website, we are excited to share that we have a new category: 3D and Graphic Design

This is a space to quickly find people who draft, design graphics, and work as 3D artists to pre-vis your designs. In the ever-changing, fast-moving landscape of pre- production it has become more important than ever to be able to quickly share your concepts digitally. A beautiful pre-vis will often get clients and directors on board faster and lead to decisions being made earlier.

(Images above: Ben Swailes)

In this category we are really pleased to welcome 3D Artist Ben Swailes. Ben has worked with many established Production Designers on both long- and short-form projects. His renders and concepts bring sketches to life and have helped sell many pitches in the pre-production stage. A recent project included rendering a carousel design set for Lipton.

(Image above: Laura Ratta’s posters The Serpent)

We also want to extend a warm welcome to Graphic Designer Laura Ratta. Laura’s background is in animation but she has moved across to the Art Department where she works as a Graphic Designer on both long and short form and where she is setting out to art direct and style for commercials. Laura was a Graphic Designer on the hugely acclaimed TV drama, The Serpent, and recently has been working on Season 5 of The Crown for Netflix.